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[Autor: RUS] [Datum: 15.08.2003 13:18:48]
Dobryj den Myslju, zhe Vy ne rozumete ruski, budu psat english a my bad cestina. What are You mean : "lotysti( ne, rusti)" - people from Latvia :)? It is wrong. So, first of all what was the "Great Knizestwo Litovske i Ruske". (Tak se oficilalno jmenovalos do smrti Velikogo Knezja Vitovta Kejstutjewicha a do unii s jagellonskoj Pollscej) I t was the country, where 70% of population was orthodox russians (I mean russian in normal historical - non comunist and non western democratic meaning) - as orthodox eastern slavjane - ruskij, ukrainec a belorusy. In the 15 century all it was calling "russian". The official language of all documents in this country was russian. The syntheze of brave litaunian warriors and golden orthodox culture of post Kiever Rus could provide the history in this position, that Troky a Vilno, and non Moscow could to be the center of Russia. But. But the leaders of this country (latest after bastard Jagello Olgerdovich killed Kejstut Gedeminovich ) have done one big failure - the same what CS have done in 1989. The want to europe - to the big united europe (in the middle age catholic under Zigmund von Luxemburg, now as eu) . The do not understood, that they will be only servants there. So, it was the pre history, now the answer to Your question. Sigismund (in lithuanical language Zhigimont) Korybut was the son of orthodox knjaz of Brjansk Dmitrij Koribut - and vnuk of Olgerd Gedeminovich and Uljana Twerskaja. His Land was in the Great Knizestwo Litevsko a Ruske in the russian cities of Brjansk and Novgorod-Seversk. After Jagello in the years 1420 and 1421 2 rimes tell the husites, that he do not want to be czech king (because of his sympathy to catholics in Polska), czech start to speak with Vitovt about it in 1421.And Vitovt have sended in March 1422 Sigismund (Zhigimont) Koributovich to Czech, to be his "namectnik" in Czech. This 3 000 russians, what I mean was the part of the troop, who come with him first. You can find this 3 000 in the letopisi - chronics of the Great Knizestwo Litewsko a Ruske. They come from the land of Fjodor Ostrozhskij - holy person in the Orthodoxy, and in the Great Knjazestwo Litevsko a Rusko the vassal of Sigismund Koribut. This people was orthodox russians and was voluntary - because of simpathy to the czech brothers and sisters, who started to fight against catholics. You are right, this russians also was by the fight near Karlstejn, (note, it was russian, none "lotysti") BUT After the conflict betweeen Sigismund (Zhigimont) Koribut and tabority in Prag in 1422 and after Vitovt in the end of 1422 have done peace with germans and as a result have called Zhigimont Koribut back from Czech, and Zhigimonz have gone back to Great Knizestwo Litevsko a Ruske, this 3000 brave orthodox russian warriors do not want to go with him and join Zizka troops (latest siroci, after Zizka`s dead). It is why this fact was known in letopisi - they do not make order from Vitovt but heared to the voice of heart. So, this is the end of my answer, but to make the history whoole some words, what was after 1422: This russians was right, because, as we know, Zhigimont was a man, who serve the situation, not ideals. 1424 Zhigimont turned back to Prague, and kalisniki croned them to king, 1425 Zhigimont drow tabority away from Prague, 1426 he tried to make peace between tabority a kalisniki. But also in 1426 this treator start to discussed with pope, Vitovt and Jagello - the result was that czech people drow him in April 1427 in prison. As You see, it was the good decision of 3000 russian to stay in Czech in 1422. No one of them turned back home, but better death that dishonour!
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